Nathan Prince has studied writing all over Illinois. He lives and works in Chicago. Creative work has appeared in Burning Word, Subtle Fiction, Permafrost, Folly, and Euphony. He was the featured poet for Contemporary American Voices in 2012 and currently freelances irregularly. Three novels - Burning Gardens, Something Fierce, A Superior Revolt in Kind; a book of short stories, Keeper of the Rise; and a collection of poetry, Shoot the Messengers, are available on amazon.com.
The above image is a work of art entitled "HOME y SEW 9" by Mel Chin. A Glock 9mm is pictured on the right. Its contents are on the left: 2" Ace bandage, microelectronic locator, normal saline (100ml of 0.9% Sodium Chloride) with IV needle and polyethylene tubing, narcotic analgesic, (5mg oxycodone hydrochloride, 500 acetaminophen), intramuscular Epinephrine (0.3mg), angiocatheter (14 gauge). A prescient symbol for our time ...
Make peace possible. Make peace a reality. Stand up and make a difference. Speak up and speak your mind. Live, love, fight, believe. Everything is real.
The above image is a work of art entitled "HOME y SEW 9" by Mel Chin. A Glock 9mm is pictured on the right. Its contents are on the left: 2" Ace bandage, microelectronic locator, normal saline (100ml of 0.9% Sodium Chloride) with IV needle and polyethylene tubing, narcotic analgesic, (5mg oxycodone hydrochloride, 500 acetaminophen), intramuscular Epinephrine (0.3mg), angiocatheter (14 gauge). A prescient symbol for our time ...
Make peace possible. Make peace a reality. Stand up and make a difference. Speak up and speak your mind. Live, love, fight, believe. Everything is real.